Kareena Kapoor belongs to one of the most prestigious families in Bollywood. Her parents, Randhir Kapoor and Babita Kapoor, along with charismatic sister, Karisma, are some of the few renowned members of her lineage. Kareena's assets include her versatile acting aptitude and ravishing features embodied in loads of confidence.
Kareena Kapoor (born 21 September 1980) nicknamed Bebo" is a four-time Filmfare Award-winning prominent Indian actress who appears in Bollywood movies.Born into an old and influential film family of Punjabi origin in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, Kareena's name was inspired by the book, Anna Karenina.Kareena is the grand-daughter of Raj Kapoor, who acted in and directed many successful movies and is also the great grand-daughter of Prithviraj Kapoor. Kareena was born to actors Randhir Kapoor and Babita, who had divorced when she was still young.
Three Idiots (2009)
Milenge Milenge (2008) - Unknown
Roadside Romeo (2008) - voiceover of a dog
Kambakth Ishq (2008)
Billo Barber (2008) - Special Appearance in a song
Golmaal Returns (2008) - Ekta
Tashan (2008) - Pooja
Halla Bol (2008) - as part of screen footage from the film Omkara
Jab We Met (2007) - Geeta
Kya Love Story Hai (2007) - in an item song
Omkara (2006) - Dolly Mishra Born into an old and influential film family of Punjabi origin in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, Kareena's name was inspired by the book, Anna Karenina.Kareena is the grand-daughter of Raj Kapoor, who acted in and directed many successful movies and is also the great grand-daughter of Prithviraj Kapoor. Kareena was born to actors Randhir Kapoor and Babita, who had divorced when she was still young.